Creating What We Want - September 2014

Published: Thu, 09/18/14

Dear --

The world we live in is stunning and filled with so many treasures. A wise practice is to remember to tune into our inner light so that we really can be led, guided, directed and protected in our optimal unfoldment. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where that is difficult and yet that is the very time we need to contact our inner diamond light. I'll offer an example.

          My daughter is just beginning her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine in London, so I went to help her locate a flat/apartment. We called letting/rental agents and looked at several places. Sitting in a cafe I could see her eyes beginning to well up with tears. Every place we had seen seemed dismal and I could see that she was beginning to become discouraged. I reminded her that we were just in an inquiry and that it was important for her to focus on the ideal scene she had created the night before. Kathryn is a wonderful artist, so she had designed a lovely ideal scene which included a number of points that were important for her including a roof top terrace. I was a little skeptical about that, but said, "This or something better for the highest good of all concerned! If your vision does not come true, the good news is that there is a better plan that is coming. Sometimes we just need to get out of our own way to receive the gifts that are already ours."

          What Kathryn had been taught to do was create a heart in the center of a page with the words "I Am" in the middle. She then drew little branches and leaves extending out in a colorful mandala. She wrote down each aspect that she really wanted to have in her living space. We had read it aloud, allowing each vision to activate inside and around us. The real trick to manifestation is to consciously involve ourselves in the creative unfoldment of our lives. Keep in mind that there is spiritual assistance that always wishes to help us. The light will not interfere, so we need to remember to ask for assistance! 

          "Now tune in," I said and let me know the first words that come to you.

          Kathryn closed her eyes and listened to her inner voice. "I am the North," she replied. Then she grinned and we headed to the underground/subway and made our way to north London. From that moment on we were guided to the flat I first occupied in Paddington in 1984, to different friend's flats and then to an Estate Agent's office that felt correct. The letting agent said she had the perfect place and as we approached the flat Kathryn stopped at the front door and said, "This is it, I can feel it."

          The flat was exactly what she had written on her ideal scene, it even included a roof top terrace big enough for a table and two chairs! We both had to laugh with delight, and then do the practical work of signing the appropriate paperwork. It was such a great reminder that if we take a moment to listen, we will find our way. 

          Every morning it is so helpful to have a few moments of quiet time with our inner guidance. Our best friend is right there waiting for us and will help so much, if we remember to tune in. 


          Tuning in is simple. We begin by lighting a candle, or picking an angel card for the day. Then closing our eyes, we simply enter the silence of our being and wait for the pulse of light to join us before we move forward. When we are attuned then we can live our day connected to our optimal unfoldment. All of our prayers are heard.

          Of course, creating an ideal scene or vision board invites us to engage in and take responsibility for our lives. We are not victims, but wonderful co-creators learning new skills and tasks. Once we bring out our colored pens or artist's brush we can consciously co-design a landscape full of love and truth and beauty.  

          Kathryn, our friend Oskar and I celebrated by visiting the Red Spring in the Chalice Gardens in Glastonbury, England. Here she is feeling the healing that constantly flows with great generosity from that source. Perhaps you will receive a healing transmission also.

          I have some spaces open for intuitive readings this month. Please contact me if you wish to tune in:

          May your days be blessed and your dreams come to fruition!

