Colorful June: Let's Fill The Earth With Our Love

Published: Sat, 06/01/13

Dear -- 

The light is streaming into the world, raising the vibrations of the planet and encouraging us to become more attuned to and aligned with new cosmic energies. We can remember the qualities of the divine feminine that are flooding mother earth once again. Of course there is always some resistance, but once the light is turned on in any space the darkness can no longer exist. What begins to arise instead is an increased awareness of the color and beauty of our natural world. Humans can be wonderful stewards of this dear earth; we simply need to remember how.

We are on earth to grow in consciousness, and the opportunity to have a body and sense of identity is an incredible gift and blessing. During the final stages of my three days in the Light, as I was returning to this time, space and dimension, I saw that we are made of light, color and sound vibrations. By becoming physical structures we become dense; we take on blood, bone, and muscle and also the sense that we are separate. This incarnation can cause us to forget our origin, the reason behind most of our suffering. 

We are incredibly beautiful and powerful eternal beings. By acknowledging and reaffirming this, we can live very differently, sensing the intelligence of nature and honoring it in all its forms. Living from our hearts creates a natural yearning to be intimate in a respectful and fulfilling way; desirous of lives in which all people are abundant and healthy. As we collectively wake up we will dream new ways of living and being into reality.

On the night of Dec 21, 2012 , in response to a request from two Mayan priests, my husband and I held an all-night vigil to greet the divine feminine, whose qualities had not been welcomed on the planet for 5,125 years. We prayed and cleansed the negativity and the dust of the world off of us, and then began to open up to the new energies. Interestingly enough all the men fell asleep. The women were left tending the fire and feeling the pulsations of the feminine qualities of compassion, loving kindness, humility, tenderness, nurturing, divine love, reverence and respect for all life. Our collective space was flooded with sweetness and awe. 

Read my article "Mirabai Devi & The Restoration Of The Divine Feminine" to learn more:

The weekend of June 21-23, I am offering a weekend exploration into the Colors Of Infinite Light: An Immersion Into Your True Self. It will be held in Ojai and is limited to 14 people. I currently have six spaces left. I often offer courses for both genders, but this one is for women only as we remember and metabolize the qualities of the divine feminine.

This is an exciting opportunity to shed what no longer serves you and to step with new wisdom and understanding into the truth of who you are, a freedom-loving human being. Email me if you are interested in receiving more or contact me via Facebook.

Much love to you and our dear earth during this time of increased light!
