June Illumination

Published: Sat, 06/08/13

Dear --

Summer is approaching quickly with its vibrant and colorful flowers. The children are finishing their school year and becoming excited about long days at the beach. I enjoy hearing their laughter. Meanwhile, we are preparing to make our color essences and attune with the loving intelligence that cares for us all. 

As I arose this morning watching the interplay of light across the Topa Topa mountains, I am filled with gratitude. We are all so blessed with each and every breath. This prayer from Unquenchable Spiritual Fire reminds us of our star. Many people have told me that it reminds them of their steadfastness, a quality of our soul that helps show up with patience, kindness and presence:


Arising At Dawn

The Sun Illuminates The Mountains

Sending Its Light Across Vast Oceans

The Bird's Chorus Reminds Us

Of The Sun Or Brilliant Star

That Resides Within Our Being

For Fifteen Billion Years

This Star Has Remained Unchanged

One Incarnation After Another

Each Day The Gold

Reveals The Gift Of Life

I am also excited to report that the Infinite Light Publishing website is live and signed copies of all my books can be ordered: www.infinitelightpublishing.com.  Some people also request personal light messages, which at present I enjoy doing. Just send me an email at ayn@infinitelightpublishing.com and I can tune in and write a special blessing for you or a loved one!

Much love,
